Information Request Form

For more information about our Teacher Training, please complete the form below.

What our teachers are saying...

SpellRead is not only a remedial reading program for students, but also a comprehensive training program on the science of reading that all teachers should receive training on in order to effectively teach reading.

Taking the SpellRead training has taught me a different approach to teaching reading. The hands-on and tactile methods used with students not only keep them engaged, but also help them progress through the lessons without getting bored. In the two weeks that I have started the program with my students, I have seen increased engagement and smiles on their faces. They are also enjoying the sessions, which makes my job much easier!

Halifax Learning has been very proactive in incorporating different mediums of support and feedback allowing our staff flexibility in accessing what they need for our students. As a result of their science-backed reading program, collaborative teamwork and flexibility in their support, our students have seen great success within reading, often a key driver for families when applying to our school.

We teach people how to read and we do it extremely well. In fact, after one year with us independent research shows that we can normalize literacy skills for a struggling reader. This means making sure that at the end of a year with us all areas of literacy are at or above grade level.